Tuesday, 21 July 2009

5 Simple Ways to Protect Your Brand

1 Choose Wisely
The more creative your brand name is, the greater the odds that it is unique. A more distinctive and create name or slogan is generally more capable of standing out among the competition and becoming a brand with real value. Which sounds like a more exciting brand, a more valuable brand: “Jim’s Gym” or “Vantage Fitness“? “Cincinnati Frozen Yogurt” or “fraîche”? “Joe’s Pizza” or “Pie-tanza”? “Search.com” or “Google”?

2 Use it
The more you use your trademarks – brand names, logos and slogans – the stronger and more distinctive they become and the more your likely customers are to remember your brand and to use it to tell others about it.

3 Distinguish It
Use ALL CAPS, bold or italics to emphasize your brand as often as you can. Then the customer knows exactly what your brand is.

4 Apply to register it
Registration with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, a federal agency and part of the Department of Commerce, enhances the protection and the value of your trademark assets. Registration allows use of the ® symbol, provides substantial benefits and savings if you ever have to go to court to stop an infringement, and may help stop cybersquatters from registering new domain names. See http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html for more information.

5 Create Google Alerts
An easy and free way to monitor for others copying your brand or commenting on it. If you find a possible infringement, contact the offender and if unresolved, contact an attorney. www.google.com/alerts.


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